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We've completed our yearlong print-a-day project!
All new material is now at Hacktastic: www.mathgrrl.com

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 101 - More dodecahedra

Of all the nets from Day 80 through Day 86, I think the dodecahedra works the best. Easy to put together, easy to take apart, at least as printed from my Replicator 2. Surely extra dodecahedra nets will be good for something, right?

STL file: http://www.geekhaus.com/day101_moredodecahedra.stl
Tinkercad link: https://tinkercad.com/things/0tzDh8wA7RP-hinged-dodecahedron
Thingiverse link: http://www.thingiverse.com/make:55728

Settings: MakerWare .3mm/low on a Replicator 2 in a little over an hour an a half.

UPDATE: Now not enough clear snowy filament left for holiday snowflakes! Curse you, extra dodecahedron nets.